The Indrapura-Kisaran Toll Road is targeted for completion by the end of this year, JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is targeting the Indrapura-Kisaran section of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) to be completed this year.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that the presence of the 47.75 kilometer (km) toll road will reducing logistics costs and cutting travel time for the distribution of goods and services between regions.

"In addition to encouraging the growth of new economic centers, especially areas located around toll road on/off ramps," said Basuki in a broadcast press, Wednesday (27/9/2023).

Meanwhile, the construction of the Kisaran - Indrapura Toll Road is divided into two sections, namely section 1, 15.6 km long, which connects Indrapura–Limapuluh, while section 2 is 32 km long, 15 km connecting Fifty–Kisaran.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that the presence of the 47.75 kilometer (km) toll road will reduce logistics costs and reduce travel time for the distribution of goods and services between regions.

"Apart from that, it encourages the growth of new economic centers, especially areas around toll road on/off ramps," said Basuki in a press release, Wednesday (27/9/2023)

Meanwhile, the construction of the Kisaran - Indrapura Toll Road is divided into two sections, namely section 1, 15.6 km long, connecting Indrapura–Limapuluh, while section 2, 32.15 km long, connecting Limapuluh–Kisaran

Referring to data from the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Ministry of PUPR, the construction progress of section 1 Indrapura–Limapuluh has now been completed and the functional feasibility test (ULF) has been carried out in September 2023. Meanwhile, section 2 covers the Limapuluh–Kisaran section. in the construction stage with the latest progress of 83.99 percent.

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